According to RTL Today, Luxembourg will implement a new tax system for vape liquids and nicotine pouches.

The new tax system will come into effect on October 1, 2024. Under the new regulations, e-liquids are taxed at €120 per liter and nicotine pouches at €22 per kilogram.

In addition to taxes, Luxembourg’s Health Minister Martine Deprez has also emphasized the inclusion of next-generation tobacco products (NGPs) within the scope of the country’s new anti-smoking plan.

Recently, Luxembourg announced that it will implement a new tax system on vape liquid and nicotine bags. This move has attracted widespread attention in the vape industry. However, as a leading brand in the industry, Veehoo vapes have always adhered to compliance operations and innovative development, actively adapted to the new tax environment, and provided consumers with better choices.

According to Luxembourg’s new regulations, from October 1, 2024, e-liquids will be taxed at 120 euros per liter, while nicotine pouches will be taxed at 22 euros per kilogram. This tax initiative aims to guide the vape industry in a more compliant and sustainable direction and have a positive impact on public health and fiscal revenue.

Veehoo vapes have always been committed to producing high-quality vape products that meet regulatory requirements. Facing the new tax environment, Veehoo vapes will continue to comply with the tax regulations of various countries and actively participate in tax declaration and payment to ensure compliance operations.

In addition to complying with tax regulations, Veehoo vapes will continue to actively promote innovation and development in the industry. They will increase investment in research and development of vape liquids and continuously improve product quality and user experience to meet consumer demand for high-quality vape products.

In addition, next-generation tobacco products (NGPs) will be included in the country’s new anti-smoking plan, according to Luxembourg’s Health Minister Martine Deprez. As a company with strong R&D capabilities and innovative spirit, Veehoo vapes will actively promote the standardization and healthy development of the vape industry.

For consumers, this tax move may bring some financial pressure. However, by choosing a well-known brand like Veehoo vapes, consumers can obtain high-quality vape products that comply with regulatory requirements, ensuring that their health and rights are protected.

Overall, Luxembourg’s new tax initiatives will push the vape industry towards a more compliant and innovative direction. As a leading brand in the industry, Veehoo vapes will actively adapt to the new tax environment and continue to be committed to the development and promotion of high-quality products. Consumers should also choose compliant and high-quality vape products to ensure that their health and rights are protected. Through cooperation and joint efforts, the vape industry is expected to achieve sustainable development and make positive contributions to public health and fiscal revenue.

Tags: Is vaping legal in Luxembourg,Tax on e-liquid and nicotine pouches in Luxembourg,Search for: How old do you have to be to buy a vape in Luxembourg,veehoo vape