On April 26, RELX (Mist Core Technology) announced the launch of the “Zero Carbon Journey · Aim for Zero” plan: with 8 major carbon reduction measures, it will achieve direct operation carbon neutrality in 2033 and full value in 2050. Chain carbon neutral.

Among the 8 major carbon reduction measures, RELX not only proposes plans for zero-carbon products, zero-carbon factories, and green stores, but also plans to establish a green supply chain partnership mechanism to eliminate unnecessary single-use plastics based on its own carbon emission characteristics and industry development trends. Packaging, waste reduction, advocating employees to practice low-carbon office, etc., covering all aspects, the whole value chain layout promotes the realization of carbon neutrality goals.

It is understood that RELX has continued to invest in carbon reduction efforts in recent years and has achieved certain results. At present, RELX has achieved carbon neutrality in the operation of offices and laboratories in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen in 2021. According to the certification of TUV Rheinland, RELX has achieved carbon offsets for offices and laboratories in the three places by purchasing carbon emission reductions generated by related wind power projects from the carbon sink trading platform.

In addition, RELX also launched an empty bomb recycling program, established a company sustainability committee, and took multiple measures to promote sustainable environmental development.

Figure: According to the certification of TUV Rheinland, RELX has achieved carbon neutrality in the operation of the laboratory in the three offices in 2021

8 major carbon reduction measures, the whole value chain layout carbon neutral

The carbon footprint of a RELX product covers many aspects such as product design, manufacturing, distribution, sales, and product use. In order to integrate the low-carbon concept into the whole life cycle of products, on the production side, RELX implements a waste management plan to gradually reduce office waste, production waste and laboratory waste. Reduce the proportion of waste to landfill by 30% annually.

Picture: 8 major initiatives of RELX’s “Zero Carbon Journey”.

At the same time, RELX will, through management and technological innovation, take targeted measures such as efficiency improvement and emission reduction, the use of renewable energy and carbon offsets to achieve net zero emissions for at least one of its own factories and build a zero-carbon factory in 2033. It also plans to establish a green supply chain partnership mechanism to encourage supply chain partners to increase the proportion of renewable energy and formulate phased emission reduction targets. In terms of logistics and packaging procurement, RELX will also give priority to partners who can provide low-carbon transportation services and green packaging.

In terms of products, RELX starts to reduce carbon from three aspects: plastic reduction, product carbon footprint reduction and empty bomb recycling. By 2025, RELX will eliminate unnecessary single-use plastic packaging, and by 2033, 100% of RELX products will be reusable, recyclable or degradable. In addition, RELX is integrating the low-carbon concept into the whole life cycle of products, increasing investment and developing low-carbon products by using renewable and recycled materials and other means. By 2025, RELX will launch at least one zero-carbon product .

Before this, RELX has always insisted on low-carbon and energy-saving production and operation. According to the “RELX Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021”, in 2020, the production waste of RELX factories will be reduced by 76% compared with 2019. At the same time, by improving and optimizing the process, the production capacity of RELX will increase by more than 30% in 2020, and the actual unit energy consumption of water, electricity, gas and other energy sources will be effectively reduced by more than 20%. In the process of purchasing raw materials and parts, RELX selects all materials that meet or exceed the national environmental protection requirements.

Recycling empty bombs, green stores, RELX carbon neutrality focuses on user participation

It is worth mentioning that user participation is also an important part of RELX’s carbon reduction initiatives. It is understood that the empty bomb recovery plan launched by RELX in September 2021 will cover the whole country in 2022. At the same time, RELX also plans to increase the number of empty bombs recovered by 200% compared with 2022 by 2025.

The empty bomb recovery plan was jointly initiated by RELX and the China Siyuan Project Poverty Alleviation Foundation. The reporter learned that the recycling of empty bombs in the electronic cigarette industry has always been a difficult problem: traditional treatment methods such as incineration and landfill cannot solve the pain points of secondary pollution and resource waste, and will also lead to land occupation, fly ash and other derivatives. question.

RELX uses the cement kiln co-processing technology to centrally process the recovered empty bombs into cement clinker, which is then made into cement for rural revitalization, realizing the reuse of resources and allowing the empty bombs to use their waste heat. At present, the first “Gongfu Siyuan Road” has also been built in Chenggenying Village, Huangqi Town, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province.

The empty bomb recycling program not only innovatively solves the problem of discarded empty bombs, but also continuously calls on consumers to practice carbon reduction and green consumption. By the end of April, the project will soon enter 188 cities, with over 17,000 stores nationwide participating.

Picture: RELX empty bomb recycling plan, calling on consumers to practice carbon reduction and green consumption together.

In addition, RELX has also set the goal of building green stores. By formulating green store standards, using recyclable materials, modular design, and energy-saving equipment, RELX will promote at least 1 store by 2023. Obtain green certification and gradually promote green stores nationwide. At the same time, RELX also encourages employees to work with low carbon and travel with low carbon.

The goal of “peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060” is an accelerator for China to promote energy conservation, emission reduction, and low-carbon development, and it is also an important proposition for various industries. In January 2022, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration issued the “Implementation Opinions”, requiring the entire industry to do a solid job in carbon neutralization, and accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development of the industry. It is also the responsibility of e-cigarette-related companies to proactively set carbon neutrality goals and take active actions.

As a member of society, how to balance economic development and environmental protection is an unavoidable challenge for enterprises. Wang Ying, founder and CEO of RELX, said: “In the future, RELX will uphold the concept of sustainable development, actively practice the concept of green operation in every link, and use practical actions to help the national carbon peaking and carbon neutral strategy.”

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