Recently, Indonesian media ddtc reported that the Singaporean government stated that it was not overly worried about the impact of the vape ban policy on national revenue.

Singapore Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said that the vape ban policy will indeed reduce potential consumption tax revenue. However, he continued, the policy is a top priority to protect public health.

The potential loss of tobacco excise tax revenue due to reduced consumption of tobacco products was not a factor in this decision.

Lawrence Wong made the statement in response to questions from members of Congress. Mr Lam asked Mr Huang about the total potential consumption tax revenue lost due to the vape ban since 2018.

Singapore government insists on vape ban, emphasizing that public health comes first

Lawrence Wong explained that the government is concerned about public health. As a result, governments seek to protect the public from the dangers of vapes.

He explained that the potential losses from legalizing vapes are as great as those for other tobacco products. Therefore, the government insists that it will not change its policy banning vapes.

He said the government has no plans to change policy “as we prioritize protecting public health and preventing harm, especially to Singapore’s young people.”

The Singapore government has made vapes illegal in Singapore and imposes fines of up to S$2,000 on offenders. Those who import, distribute or sell these products will be subject to harsher penalties, including imprisonment.

The Singaporean government also announced in December 2023 that as part of its efforts to prevent the illegal entry of vapes, it would strengthen inspections at the country’s land, sea and air entry points. In addition, the government has tightened controls on the sale of vapes through social media and online shopping sites.

Singapore government insists on vape ban, emphasizing that public health comes first

Recent news reports indicate that the Singaporean government maintains its stance on banning vapes, emphasizing that public health comes first. This decision is intended to protect teenagers from the potential harm of vapes. However, for adult vape consumers, a blanket ban may take too much away from choice. This approach could lead to the rise of illegal markets, further endangering public health and tax revenues.

According to reports, the Singapore government insists that vape products pose health risks, especially to the health of teenagers. They worry that vapes could become a stepping stone to smoking among young people and lead to nicotine addiction. Therefore, the government decided to ban the sale, manufacturing and import of vapes.

While protecting youth from the dangers of vapes is critical, we also need to consider the rights of adult vape consumers. Adults should have the right to make their own choices about whether to use vapes and understand the potential risks. A ban may go too far, putting adults in a position where they cannot legally purchase and use vapes.

As an vape brand with ten years of experience as an vape factory and a variety of popular products, Veehoo vapes emphasizes the need to balance the considerations of protecting public health and the rights of adult consumers. They believe that while a ban would help control youth exposure to vapes, it could also lead to a boom in the illegal market.

Singapore government insists on vape ban, emphasizing that public health comes first

After the ban is implemented, some consumers may turn to illegal channels to purchase vape products. This will lead to a rampant illegal market, and products that cannot be regulated and controlled may pose greater health risks. At the same time, the rise of illegal markets will also have a negative impact on tax revenue and weaken the government’s fiscal capacity.

On this issue, Veehoo vapes advocate a more comprehensive and balanced approach. They recommended that the government strengthen supervision of vape products to ensure product quality and safety, and establish appropriate age restrictions to protect young people from potential harm.

In addition, Veehoo vapes also calls on the government to conduct more scientific research to evaluate the impact of vapes on public health and formulate policies based on scientific evidence. They promote education and awareness efforts to provide information about vapes to help adults make informed decisions.

To sum up, the Singapore government insists on the vape ban to protect the health of teenagers. However, while protecting teenagers, it is also necessary to take into account the choice of adult vape consumers to avoid bans leading to the flourishing of the illegal market and further endangering public health and tax revenue. Veehoo vapes advocate a balanced view and suggest that the government should strengthen supervision and educational measures to ensure the dual protection of public health and the rights and interests of adult consumers. Only through a comprehensive approach can we protect young people while providing informed choices for adults and reduce the potential harm to public health and finances of the illegal market.

Tags: Singapore vape ban,Can I bring vape to Singapore 2023,Can I bring vapes through Singapore,veehoo vape