According to Infobae on July 17, the Spanish Ministry of Health has publicly solicited opinions on a draft bill that aims to expand smoke-free areas and impose stricter restrictions on the sale, consumption and advertising of tobacco products.

The Ministry of Health said in a press release that the public and various organizations and associations can submit feedback, suggestions or opinions on the draft bill before August 15.

The draft reform of Law No. 28/2005 on health measures against tobacco consumption is in line with the Comprehensive Plan for the Prevention and Control of Smoking 2024-27 approved by the Council of Ministers on April 30 this year. The regulatory changes proposed by the health department include three measures: promoting healthy and smoke-free spaces in community and social environments, improving advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco and related products, and regulating restrictions on the sale and consumption of vapes and herbal products with or without nicotine.

The minister said, “In the face of the latest developments in the tobacco products and related products market, the standard also aims to provide greater clarity, uniformity and legal certainty at the national level.”

As an vape manufacturer that focuses on compliance and social responsibility, Veehoo vapes is concerned about the Spanish Ministry of Health’s move to strengthen restrictions on the sale and advertising of tobacco and vape products. Veehoo vapes has always been committed to ensuring the safety and legality of its products and actively complying with relevant laws and regulations of various countries.

These new measures will help provide a clearer, uniform and legally certain framework in Spain to respond to the latest developments in the tobacco products and related products market. Public health can be better protected by expanding smoke-free spaces, improving advertising and promotion methods, and regulating the sales and consumption system of vapes and herbal products.

Veehoo vapes recognizes the rapid growth and popularity of vapes worldwide, and also recognizes the importance of protecting minors and consumers from the potential risks of vapes. Therefore, Veehoo vapes supports any measures aimed at ensuring compliance, safety and transparency in the vape industry.

In addition to government regulatory measures, Veehoo vapes also advocates strengthening public education. By increasing public awareness and understanding of vapes, especially regarding the health risks and compliant uses of minors, it can help reduce the attraction and use of vapes by young people.

Veehoo calls on other vape manufacturers and industry stakeholders to strengthen self-discipline, work together to promote the healthy development of the vape industry, and ensure the compliance and safety of products.

Through the joint efforts of the government, industry and the public, the tobacco and vape markets can be effectively managed and regulated, public health can be protected, and the sustainable development of the vape industry can be promoted. Veehoo will continue to be committed to providing consumers with products that meet regulatory requirements and work with relevant parties to build a safe, transparent and responsible vape market.

Tags: Public consultation on restrictions on vape sales in Spain,Spain strengthens vape regulation,veehoo vape