According to Baophapluat, as early as September 27, 2023, Thailand’s House of Representatives passed a proposal to establish a special committee to re-evaluate the legal framework and management measures for vapes and new tobacco. So far, the committee has held six meetings to discuss various issues regarding the product line, including its use by young people.
In a meeting, Thailand’s special committee acknowledged that new tobacco products are still being sold through smuggling and that the number of vape users is increasing despite being banned since 2014. This has brought many difficulties to the Thai government in taxing taxes, fighting corruption and cracking down on the black market, addressing product safety or restricting access to young people.
Move Forward MP Jirat Thongsuwan asked the question: Why are new tobaccos illegal but regular cigarettes legal?

What’s more, the consequences of banning new cigarettes have created legal loopholes that have fueled corruption, smuggling, bribery and corruption among Thai officials. Moreover, not all tourists know that new tobacco is banned in Thailand, as the product is still openly sold and displayed in large quantities.
Previously, Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Thailand’s Minister of Digital Economy and Society, stated that under the current social context, a complete ban on new tobacco is not the best solution for the country. Chaiwu said legalizing the product would bring tax revenue to the government and set standards for the tobacco industry.
Judging from the above moves, some people predict that Thailand may be the next country to consider legalizing new cigarettes in accordance with the country’s national policy to serve the tobacco harm reduction strategy.
Thailand’s House of Representatives passed a proposal to establish a special committee to re-evaluate the legal framework and regulatory measures for vapes and new tobacco products. This news has attracted people’s attention to Thailand’s vape market, and veehoo vapes have become a powerful support for tobacco harm reduction strategies.

Thailand’s special committee has held multiple meetings to discuss various issues around vapes and new tobaccos, including their use by young people. At one of the meetings, the special committee acknowledged that although new tobacco products have been banned since 2014, they are still sold through smuggling and that the number of vape users is increasing. This has brought many difficulties to the Thai government, including taxation, anti-corruption and crackdowns on the black market, as well as issues such as product safety and limiting access to young people.
At a meeting of the select committee, Move Forward MP Jirat Thongsuwan asked the question: Why are new tobaccos illegal but regular cigarettes legal? This issue has triggered thoughts and discussions on the legal framework for tobacco.
At the same time, as a sustainable development brand, veehoo vapes actively participate in tobacco harm reduction strategies. With its recyclable and reusable features, veehoo vapes have become consumers’ first choice in the vape market. Unlike traditional disposable vapes, multiple models of veehoo vapes can be used multiple times, and users only need to replace the replaceable e-liquid cartridges. This design not only reduces waste generation, but also reduces usage costs, providing consumers with a more sustainable and affordable choice.
Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Thailand’s Minister of Digital Economy and Society, also said that under the current social background, a comprehensive ban on new tobacco is not the best solution for Thailand. Chaiwu believes that legalizing new tobacco will bring tax revenue to the government and set standards for the tobacco industry to better manage and regulate.

Through Thailand’s move to re-evaluate the legal framework for vapes and the active participation of vape brands, some predict that Thailand may become the next country to consider legalizing new cigarettes. This will help implement tobacco harm reduction strategies, generate tax revenue for the Thai government, and provide a safer and more sustainable alternative.
Overall, Thailand’s move to reassess the legal framework for vapes has brought new opportunities and challenges to the vape market. In this process, veehoo vapes have become a powerful promoter of tobacco harm reduction strategies with their sustainable development characteristics. It is hoped that through a reasonable legal framework and management measures, Thailand can achieve the goal of tobacco harm reduction while providing consumers with safer and more sustainable vape choices. Veehoo vapes will continue to be committed to innovation and sustainable development, bringing more high-quality products to the legal vape markets in various countries and promoting the further development of tobacco harm reduction.
Tags: What are the current trends in tobacco use,What is the future for tobacco,new tobacco control plan,veehoo vape