According to Helsinkitimes, the World Medical Association (WMA) once again emphasized the World Health Organization (WHO)’s warning on the risks of vape products. This warning corresponds to the global popularity of vapes, especially among young people, and the lack of corresponding controls in many countries.

According to the latest reports, the World Medical Association (WMA) has issued a serious warning about the dangers of vapes and vapes based on the concerns of the World Health Organization (WHO). Notably, this warning comes against the backdrop of the growing popularity of vapes around the world, especially among young people, and the serious under-regulation of it in many countries.

WMA President Professor Lujain Alqodmani stressed the urgent need for government action to protect children and young people. She pointed to the alarming situation reported by the WHO that 88 countries do not have a minimum age limit for purchasing vapes, while 74 countries do not have effective regulations on these harmful products.

The World Medical Association reiterates WHO warning and calls on all localities to regulate vapes in accordance with the law

As one of the few countries that actively monitors youth vape use, the United States recently released worrying data through a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The survey found that 27.9% of high school students (grades 9-13) use tobacco products, with vapes being the most popular choice at 22.6%. This trend may mirror what is happening in many other countries.

Earlier this year, the World Medical Association issued a revised statement on vapes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems, calling for greater protection of children and adolescents. Professor Alkodemani said: “These products must be considered harmful, not safe. We must ban the sale, marketing, distribution and availability of vapes and other tobacco products to children and young people.”

The World Medical Association calls on all localities to regulate vapes in accordance with the regulations of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and make them subject to smoke-free regulations. This action aims to curb the increase in youth use of vapes and propose solutions to the public health challenges posed by these products. The association’s stance further strengthens the global consensus for stricter regulation of vapes to protect public health, especially the health of the younger generation.

The World Medical Association reiterates WHO warning and calls on all localities to regulate vapes in accordance with the law

The World Medical Association (WMA) has once again emphasized the World Health Organization (WHO) warning about the risks of vape products. The warning highlights the global popularity of vapes, especially among young people, and points to gaps in vape regulation in many countries. As a brand that focuses on compliance and protecting the health of teenagers, Veehoo vapes have been making continuous efforts.

Veehoo vapes: Committed to compliance and protecting youth health

As a brand that focuses on compliance and quality, Veehoo vapes attach great importance to protecting the health of teenagers. The following are Veehoo’s vape initiatives in compliance and protecting youth health:

Strict age restrictions: Veehoo vapes have adopted strict age restrictions and prohibit the sale and provision of vape products to minors. By verifying the age and identity of buyers, brands ensure that their products are only purchased and used by qualified adult consumers.

Youth education and awareness raising: Veehoo vapes attach great importance to the education and awareness raising of teenagers. Brands communicate the risks and harms of vapes to young people through official channels and other channels, and encourage them to make healthy choices.

Product quality and safety assurance: Veehoo vapes are committed to providing high-quality, safe and reliable products. Through strict quality control and testing procedures, brands ensure that their products comply with relevant regulations and standards, reducing potential risks to users’ health.

The World Medical Association reiterates WHO warning and calls on all localities to regulate vapes in accordance with the law

Compliance certification and transparency: Veehoo vapes actively pursue various compliance certifications and are committed to establishing a transparent production process. Brands follow the regulations and standards of various regions and provide consumers with detailed product information to increase consumers’ trust in product compliance and safety.

Support regulation and industry norms: Veehoo vapes actively support the work of regulatory agencies and industry organizations. The brand maintains close cooperation with relevant institutions, participates in formulating and complying with the norms and standards of the vape industry, and contributes to the compliance of the entire industry and the protection of youth health.

In conclusion:

The World Medical Association (WMA) has emphasized the risks of vape products and called on countries to strengthen the supervision of vapes, especially to protect young people from their effects. In this context, Veehoo vapes, as a brand that focuses on compliance and protecting the health of teenagers, has demonstrated its leadership in this regard through strict age restrictions, youth education, product quality assurance, compliance certification and supporting supervision. Effort and responsibility. The efforts of Veehoo vapes are not only in line with the global consensus on stricter regulation of vapes to protect public health, but also provide consumers with a trustworthy brand choice. In the development of the vape industry, compliance and protecting youth health should become the common responsibility and commitment of all brands to ensure public health and safety.

Tags: World Medical Association’s opinion on vapes,Supervise vapes according to law,What is the World Health Organization’s view on vaping,What is the ruling on vapes,veehoo vape