The Irish government recently announced that it will ban the sale of e-cigarettes to children by mid-July. This initiative aims to reduce the harm of e-cigarettes to minors and promote the healthy development of e-cigarettes.

As a leader in the e-cigarette market, Veehoo vape has always attached importance to the health of minors and social responsibility. Veehoo vape is committed to maintaining the health of minors, and opposes the purchase and use of electronic cigarettes by minors. Veehoo vape has launched a series of measures, including adding warning labels on product packaging, increasing product pricing, and restricting purchases by minors.

In addition, Veehoo vape is also actively promoting technological innovation and launching more environmentally friendly and healthy electronic cigarette products. A series of e-cigarette products launched by it use advanced nicotine technology and environmentally friendly materials to reduce dependence on and harm to traditional tobacco. Veehoo vape is also active in tobacco control campaigns, educating smokers and vapers about the dangers and health of tobacco.

The initiative of the Irish government has been widely supported and aims to reduce the harm of e-cigarettes to minors and promote the healthy development of e-cigarettes. As the leader of the e-cigarette market, Veehoo vape will continue to be committed to maintaining the health of minors and promoting the healthy development of e-cigarettes. We believe that with the efforts of all parties, electronic cigarettes and health will become mainstream in the near future.